When Marketing Works and When it Really Works Well!


The reason we spend money on Advertising is to not only make awareness for our product or service but more importantly to get customers to buy. Here is the dirty secret about event promotions. Customers attend events that they either know or that their friends are going to.

Let’s look at the case of “The customer knows about your event”. This can only be if you had done 1 of 2 things or both.

  1. You had the event last year , it was well documented and remembered.  There is a buzz, word of mouth on the street about your event. (post event marketing)
  2. You marketed so far in advance so now the event seems familiar to the client, like it was always there.  You know this is working when you are able to generate some buzz. (pre event marketing)

In the first case you need to be remarkable and memorable in your execution. You also need to get it documented for others to see. Did you take photos? Did you have it blogged about? Do you have any video to jogger your patrons memory?

In the second case, it is not about putting your event all over the most popular websites. By the way, websites are great because it saves you time and energy getting the word out about your event. You do not need to stand outside parties at 3AM to hand someone your flier and watch them throw it carelessly on the floor. This might hurt you for all your effort is on the floor but worst yet you can be fined for littering in NYC. Most promoters then seek to splash websites in the last weeks of the event hoping that if they scream more and it is super visible then more people will attend the event. See the article ” why time is better than placement”.

I would like to share some humble thoughts on the matter. See point number 2 above. This strategy does not accomplish this task. It is far better to start 6 months in advance and progressively deliver more and more details about the upcoming event. The key here is anticipation. That is the hallmark of a good experience. So if you want to market, you can do it well with the web or really well using progressive web campaigns.

Stephen Choo Quan

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