Re-building for Competitive Edge

Peter Choo Quan

Peter Choo QuanCompetitive edge has many variables.  Two of the most powerful that drive edge are team work and speed.   Of course there are others like technology but of all factors these two seem to be consistent over the years where as the others tend to change with the era of operation.

Here are my sentiments on these two topics

Team Work.  I am a true believer that you can defeat a team if you can contain the top 3 players but how can you contain or defeat a team that has 12 outstanding players?  The odds of success become much higher.  The best companies have the best people and the second best companies have the second best and so on.  We need these people filters to work together for one common good. When this happens energy is released, synergy that carries everyone much further than anyone could go by themselves.

Speed.  There are three distinctive positions you can be in with regards to speed. You can be early, on-time or late.  In the case of internet broadcasting you can be future oriented, breaking news or just plain late.  Future oriented website tend to lead trends where as late websites tend to behave like story books.  Story books sites just are there like archives of what happened and it is good only from the perspective if it is task oriented and can tell someone how to repeat that task.  They are great for HOW TO DO sites but entertainment websites needs to be either trend setters or with the breaking news.

Consistency.  We got to be consistent.  Go to events and put in the work long after all the other sites have stop coming.

I do not see any other websites covering when I go out – Peter Choo Quan

If you get these two executed with perfection then you must become a championship organization.

Stephen Choo Quan

In Loving Memory of Peter Choo Quan (29th  April 1978 – 19th  June 2011)